Third senior composer announced: Florian Magnus Maier

We are happy to add Florian to the team of senior composers at the 2021 edition of the Young Composers Meeting. Welcome Florian!
Florian Magnus Maier wrote for ensembles such as the Doelen Ensemble, Cappella Amsterdam and Slagwerk Den Haag. His music is performed both in The Netherlands and abroad. In his compositions he strives for accessibility for the listener and compositional refinement. Influenced by classical music, various world music styles and black-death metal, his goal is to merge these influences into something new. The main features of his compositions are a strong sense of pulse, virtuosity, a strict treatment of form and structure and an ever-present dark spiritual atmosphere.
In 2002 Florian received the Encouragement Award from the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts. He also received the Paul Jacobs Memorial Award and a composition prize from the Rotterdam Conservatory.
During the annual Young Composers Meeting we offer young professional composers the opportunity to compose a piece for the ensemble and thus develop their talents, as well as increase their knowledge and build a network. During this meeting, the young composers receive individual lessons from the senior composers.
Read more about the Young Composers Meeting: Young Composers Meeting 2021.
Read more about Florian Magnus Maier on his website.
Photo: Natalia Kempin